Hi intripoon,
moRef=XXXX is not clear to me. What should XXXX be?
To get a better understanding of Managed Object References == MOR == moRef please referer to the following articles:
- http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/02/uniquely-identifying-virtual-machines-in-vsphere-and-vcloud-part-1-overview.html
- http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/02/uniquely-identifying-virtual-machines-in-vsphere-and-vcloud-part-2-technical.html
- http://www.doublecloud.org/2011/06/managedobjectreference-vs-managedobject/
To get a better understanding of the Managed Object Browser == MOB please refer to following docs:
If this is wrong, could I get a complete example of how to fill the VixDiskLibConnectParams structure for calling this method?
An example of connect params which is working fine at my end:
VixDiskLibConnectParams connectParams = { 0 };
connectParams.vmxSpec = "moref=vm-1234"; // wher you have to replace 1234 with what you see in your MOB
connectParams.serverName = ""; // or the FQDN of your server
connectParams.credType = VIXDISKLIB_CRED_UID;
connectParams.creds.uid.password = "yourPassword";
connectParams.creds.uid.userName = "yourUserName";
connectParams.port = 0; // let library choose default port
Hope this help :-)
Thomas G.