Please HELP!
I configured SNMP on esxi 5.1
#esxcli system snmp set -c public
#esxcli system snmp set -t ip-addr/public
#esxcli system snmp set -e true
Sapwalk2.exe -i -c public -v v1 -s -t 2000 -r 1
sapwalker get result but only ~500 strings
after that i see the message "Device not responding"
if try
Sapwalk2.exe -i -c public -v v1 -s -t 2000 -r 1
all is fine
i think that the output stops by anti ddos shield
SnmpWalk.exe -r: -c:public -os: -op:
OID=., Type=TimeTicks, Value=6 days, 21:00:31.00
OID=., Type=OctetString, Value= 07 DD 08 0C 04 15 27 00
OID=., Type=Integer, Value=77
OID=., Type=OctetString, Value=/useropts.gz vmbTrustedBoot=false tboot=0x0x101a000 no-auto-partition bootUUID=7085493b87361f57d07ae75d83de8730
OID=., Type=Gauge32, Value=0
OID=., Type=Gauge32, Value=58
OID=., Type=Integer, Value=0
OID=., Type=Integer, Value=100627780
%Failed to get value of SNMP variable. Timeout.
Total: 8
it's something else
anyone has any idea?