Fabien, not sure if you can help through this same thread. You helped me with the script and output sorts by PercFree. I did added another column to reflect FreeSpace on the following function:
Function Report-Datastore {
$output = @()
Get-Datastore | ForEach-Object {$props = [ordered]@{'Name'=$_.Name;'FreeSpace'=[math]::Round(($_.FreeSpaceGB),2);'UsedSpace'=[math]::Round(($_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB),2);'PercFree'=[math]::Round((100 * ($_.FreeSpaceGB/$_.CapacityGB)),0)}
$output += New-Object -TypeName PSCUstomObject -Property $props
But i added the sort-object FreeSpaceGB in HTML code section and does not sort.
$html_DS = Report-Datastore | Sort-Object FreeSpaceGB | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment | Out-String | Set-AlternatingCSSClasses -CSSEvenClass 'even' -CssOddClass 'odd'
#$html_DS = Report-Datastore | Sort-Object PercFree | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment | Out-String | Set-AlternatingCSSClasses -CSSEvenClass 'even' -CssOddClass 'odd'
The following is the output of the body email. Thanks for your help